10 Signs of Longevity: What Research Says. Scientists from all over the world are trying to solve the mystery of longevity.
Research has shown that genetics plays only 25% of the role in determining human life expectancy. The remaining 75% depends on external factors and lifestyle.
There are several signs that can determine whether a person can live to be 100 years old. Today, scientists identify 10 key signs that are associated with longevity
Women: Nature endows them with a long life
Life expectancy depends largely on gender: females of almost all mammal species have a longer life expectancy than males.
Scientists from the University of California, San Francisco conducted experiments, growing mice in artificial conditions, and came to interesting conclusions.
It turned out that most of the long-lived mice were females, which had female sex glands in addition to female chromosomes. The researchers hypothesized that the ovaries of females contain hormones and other signaling molecules that help increase lifespan and slow down the aging process.
Males, on the other hand, are more vulnerable. One of the reasons for this is testosterone, which can negatively affect the immune system. While estrogen, the female sex hormone, has an anti-inflammatory effect.
Youthful appearance: an indicator of longevity
It appears that a person who looks younger does have a better chance of living longer.
Over the course of seven years, researchers observed more than 1,800 pairs of twins and made an interesting discovery. It turned out that the twin who had a younger appearance was more likely to die later than his or her older brother or sister.
Scientists say that a person’s perceived age is linked to telomeres, which are molecular biomarkers of aging. Shorter telomeres indicate rapid aging of the body and an increased risk of developing various diseases, including cancer. People who look younger have longer telomeres.
Vegetarianism: The Key to Longevity
According to research by Harvard scientists, the largest number of centenarians that were studied did not consume animal products.
These studies confirm the fact that high protein consumption, especially that found in meat and dairy products, leads to accelerated aging of cells. Proteins serve as “building material” for cells, stimulating their active growth and reproduction.
However, an adult organism does not require such intensive cell growth. Continuous cell growth can lead to accelerated aging. If you reduce the consumption of amino acids, that is, reduce the amount of proteins in the diet, the cells will stop growing actively and will be able to focus on protecting the body. This approach slows down the aging process of a person and helps to preserve his youth for a long time.
Normal Hemoglobin Level: Key Trait of a Long-Lived Person
It turns out that normal hemoglobin levels may be associated with increased chances of a long life, since high concentrations of iron in the blood accelerate the aging process in the body.
Iron plays an important role in the body’s fight against infections. For example, with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease or liver pathologies, the level of hemoglobin can sharply decrease or, conversely, increase significantly. Researchers from the UK have suggested that the metabolism of this microelement is an important factor in the state of the aging body and its tendency to longevity.
This assumption is confirmed by other scientific studies. The authors of one such study proved that excessive consumption of red meat, which is a source of iron, increases the risk of age-related pathologies, especially cardiovascular diseases.
The researchers also found no significant benefit from iron supplements, as taking them can either help or harm the body, depending on individual characteristics.
A Healthy Gut: The Key to Longevity
Researchers from Italy studied people who were almost a hundred years old and came to an interesting conclusion: centenarians had healthy intestinal microflora.
People who live long do not experience intestinal problems due to the presence of a large number of beneficial bacteria that inhabit this organ. These bacteria perform important functions such as synthesizing vitamins, releasing energy, and fighting infections. In addition, they also help in cleansing the body of toxins.
Regular consumption of probiotic-containing foods is recommended to maintain healthy bowel function. The Mediterranean diet is also a great way to improve the condition of the intestinal microflora. This is the diet that helps Italians live long. The diet of long-livers is dominated by seafood, fish, fresh vegetables and fruits – valuable sources of youth and energy.
Doctors also see great potential in transplanting donor material – intestinal contents with beneficial bacteria. This method is already used in medical practice, although so far it is used as part of therapeutic courses to treat certain diseases, and not for the purpose of prolonging life.
Centenarians refuse to lose excess weight
A study conducted by American scientists has shown that the risk of death in people with a body mass index (BMI) above 35 increases by 29% compared to those who are not overweight.
Excess weight significantly increases the likelihood of developing chronic diseases, especially diabetes and cardiovascular pathologies. This is confirmed by gerontologist Yu. Konev, who also noticed a clear connection between excess weight and an increased risk of death in his clinical practice.
In addition, accumulation of fat in the waist area almost doubles this risk, even if the body mass index is normal. Accumulation of fat in this area can be caused by a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet and genetic predisposition.
The Secret to Longevity: Optimism and a Healthy Lifestyle
American doctors have come to an interesting conclusion: a person’s worldview affects their life expectancy. After studying thousands of life histories of men and women, researchers have discovered that more optimistic individuals live 11-15 years longer than those prone to depression.
This phenomenon is easy to explain: cheerful and optimistic people rarely face health-related problems, such as cardiovascular diseases, lung or stomach problems. They are more likely to maintain a healthy lifestyle, watch their diet, pay attention to physical activity and get enough sleep.
Another characteristic of optimists that contributes to longevity is self-confidence. Such people are not prone to panic and despair, they easily find solutions even in the most difficult situations and quickly recover from stress.
Activity is the key to physical and mental health
Centenarians always stay on the move because they and scientists around the world know that physical activity is one of the best ways to combat the aging process in the body.
When a person plays sports or just walks in the park, their body receives an abundant amount of oxygen. As a result of this process, free radicals are formed, which, it would seem, can harm cells.
However, it is worth noting that sports are short-term stress for the body. Cells adapt and strengthen during training, which increases their resistance to negative factors and promotes their self-healing.
Physical activity does indeed help strengthen the body and prevent aging, but this is only true if you exercise regularly.
It is recommended to spend 40 minutes a day on training in the gym or walking. It is important to remember that excessive loads can lead to the opposite effect, so it is necessary not to overdo it.
Intelligence is the key to longevity
Scientific studies have shown that people with a high level of intelligence live on average 4 times longer than those with a low level of education. This is due to the fact that the brain, which is regularly subjected to intellectual stress, ages more slowly.
Intelligence also affects a person’s overall health. Boys who show a tendency toward intellectual development are less likely to get sick and often become desirable partners in marriage, as they represent advantageous genes for their offspring.
Today, intellectuals are valued everywhere and are actively attracted to various countries. Smart people who live long and productive lives are a key factor in the economic growth and well-being of a nation. They contribute to the prosperity of the country and the creation of a favorable environment for all its inhabitants.
Social connection is the key to longevity
Researchers from England note that loneliness can negatively affect longevity, so they recommend that people have an active social life, although this does not necessarily mean being around a lot of people all the time. It is important to have several strong connections, such as a spouse, children, relatives or friends.
Research also shows that people who prefer solitude are more prone to health problems. This is because spending most of the time alone makes it difficult to maintain an active lifestyle, and the body becomes vulnerable to viruses.
Becoming a socially oriented person is not as difficult as it may seem. It is important to prioritize real communication with people, and not limit yourself to social networks.
Daily conversations with loved ones on simple topics such as “how was your day” are also effective forms of communication. The same goes for weekends spent in nature or meeting up with friends for a cup of coffee on Saturdays.
These factors related to social activity have a scientific basis. And the best thing about it is that everyone can develop these traits on their own, and everyone has the opportunity to live a long and quality life. If you feel that you are lagging behind in some aspect, start working on yourself and devote time to your health. Taking care of your body and mind will help you proudly enter the ranks of centenarians.
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