These are 15 signs that your liver is dying. Doctors listed them and explained how it all actually happens.
The liver is not only the largest gland in the body, but also an unrivaled participant in all metabolic processes. Its role in proper digestion and absorption of vitamins and minerals is invaluable.
An equally important function is to cleanse the blood of allergens, poisons and other harmful substances. Obviously, taking care of the liver is fundamental to the overall well-being of the body.
Medical specialists have identified more than a hundred different liver diseases, differing in features and severity. Many of them do not show obvious symptoms in the early stages of development.
Therefore, it is important to pay attention not only to the obvious signs, but also to the less noticeable signals that may indicate liver problems.
In this article, I will tell you what signals, according to doctors, you should pay attention to in order to recognize liver problems in a timely manner and prevent their negative impact on the body. I advise you not to skip a single paragraph of this article, because some points may surprise you!
It is important to note that this article does not provide diagnoses or suggest that a person may have any health problems, particularly with the liver.
The article is based on research findings, doctors’ opinions and provides information for informational purposes only!
The beneficial properties of certain products are also written for informational purposes only, based on generally known data. I would like to point out that this article does not encourage using these products as a method for self-medication!
Any questions regarding health and dietary changes should only be discussed with your doctor in person.
What is the liver responsible for?
To understand the sources of problems, doctors emphasize the need to study the principles of the liver and its functions. It turns out that this organ does not just perform a wide range of tasks, but is responsible for more than 500 important functions!
The liver is responsible for many important processes to maintain the health of the body. It produces and activates hormones that regulate various functions of the body.
Excess glucose is converted into glycogen, a reserve form of energy needed to maintain blood sugar levels. The liver also produces proteins, which are the building blocks of all organs and tissues in the body, including such important substances as albumin, which maintains blood pressure.
The liver also processes cholesterol, producing useful forms of cholesterol and converting harmful forms. Another extremely important function of the liver is to cleanse the body of harmful substances, such as poisons, drugs, and other toxins.
An important aspect of its work is the production of bile, which plays a key role in the process of digestion and absorption of fats from food.
The main problem of the liver
Medical experts say that fatty liver disease is one of the most serious diseases. When you consume too much fat and carbohydrates, they settle in the liver, forming a kind of “storage.”
Fat replaces healthy liver cells and begins to absorb toxins and harmful substances like a sponge. The next stage of the disease is scarring, cirrhosis, and eventually kidney failure or cancer.
Doctors also claim that the saying is true: “The severity of the disease determines the rules of the game.” This means that the sooner a person notices the first symptoms of liver poisoning with harmful substances, the greater the chances of preventing dysfunction of this important organ.”
Are These 15 Signs Your Liver Is Dying?
Yellow plaques on the eyelids
Xanthelasma is a persistent deposit of yellowish plaques and spots on the inside of the eye caused by uneven distribution of cholesterol in the body. The question arises: what is better for cholesterol – to accumulate in the vessels or on the eyelids?
Doctors say that the liver produces bile, which is necessary for processing fats in the body. However, when the liver is not functioning properly, bile production deteriorates, which leads to lipid metabolism disorders. Cholesterol, being a type of fat, begins to accumulate in those places where its excess content becomes a problem.
According to experts, a person with early problems with liver function may develop a yellowish tint to the skin, and in the later stages of the disease, the whites of the eyes may acquire a yellowish tint.
When red blood cells are broken down, a harmful substance called bilirubin is produced, which is normally excreted in bile, turning the stool brown.
However, if the liver is unable to remove bilirubin, it begins to accumulate in the tissues, resulting in a yellow tint to the skin and eyeballs.
Itchy skin
Medical research shows that one of the symptoms of liver problems can be itchy skin caused by bile acids leaking into the blood through damaged liver cells.
Bile contains certain substances that are usually eliminated from the body during normal digestion. However, if bile stasis occurs, harmful substances can enter the blood, and the body begins to get rid of them through the skin, which is a kind of backup cleansing mechanism.
Itching is especially common on the palms and feet due to their distance from the heart, which negatively affects blood circulation and the removal of toxins from the body.
Blurred vision
Good vision depends on proper levels of vitamin A. This key element, like many other vitamins, is fat-soluble.
For vitamin A to be absorbed by the body, the liver, the center of fat metabolism, plays an important role. A lack of bile, which is produced by the liver, can make it difficult to absorb vitamin A, which can subsequently lead to vision problems.
Impaired general vision and night blindness may result from vitamin A deficiency, especially in low light conditions.
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Ascites is the result of abdominal edema, which occurs due to the passage of fluid from the vessels into the surrounding tissues as a result of a deficiency of albumin in the body.
Albumin, in turn, plays a key role in retaining water in the circulatory system. When the liver produces insufficient albumin, this leads to fluid leaking through the walls of blood vessels and the development of edema.
Signs of poisoning of the body may include fatigue, drowsiness and a slight increase in temperature. Doctors emphasize that the liver’s insufficient ability to cleanse the body of harmful substances can lead to their accumulation in tissues and toxic effects. Thus, fatigue and other symptoms are a reaction to the presence of toxins, which emphasizes the importance of maintaining liver health for the overall well-being of the body.
Bronze diabetes
In pigmentary cirrhosis, also known as bronze diabetes, an interesting phenomenon occurs – the skin takes on an unusual bronze tint.
This is due to the increased iron content in the blood, which makes this pathology not only medically significant, but also visually memorable.
The human body is a complex system, and the liver plays an important role in regulating the distribution of trace elements, including iron. However, with pigment cirrhosis, the liver loses the ability to perform this function, which leads to the accumulation of excess iron. The consequence of this process is not only an increase in the concentration of iron in the blood, but also its accumulation in the sweat glands.
Nausea and vomiting
According to medical experts, nausea can be caused by two main reasons.
Firstly, it can be caused by the effect of harmful substances on the body.
Secondly, one of the possible reasons may be a violation of the outflow of bile. When a person experiences nausea, he usually also notes weakness and general malaise.
Changes in stool
Signs of liver dysfunction often include the occurrence of chronic diarrhea and fatty stools. When the liver does not produce enough bile, fats are poorly absorbed and undigested fat particles pass into the colon, resulting in fatty stools that do not sink well because they are lighter than water.
In addition, a change in stool color caused by decreased bilirubin levels may also be a sign of liver damage.
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Liver function plays a key role in regulating blood clotting. When these functions are impaired, even a small razor cut can lead to prolonged bleeding, which, of course, has unpleasant consequences.
According to the World Health Organization, about a fifth of the world’s population suffers from allergic reactions, which means that one in five people experience a variety of symptoms when exposed to irritants such as birch pollen, citrus fruits and contact with furry cats, causing them to have difficulty breathing.
Allergies are caused by the immune system’s reaction to external irritants caused by a buildup of toxins in the blood due to liver defects. This condition is known as hypersensitivity. Doctors sometimes recommend detoxification procedures and liver function tests to combat allergic reactions.
Shoulder pain
The feeling of discomfort starting in the right shoulder blade and spreading to the right shoulder is certainly unpleasant. Sometimes this unpleasant feeling even penetrates into the neck area, creating unpleasant sensations. Often after drinking alcohol in the evening, the next morning there is an unpleasant tension in the neck area.
Heaviness in the stomach
A feeling of heaviness in the abdomen is often caused by an enlarged liver, which changes the position of the internal organs and can negatively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Experts note that this sensation is often accompanied by pain in the right hypochondrium.
Gas formation
Problems with the gastrointestinal tract can manifest themselves in the form of discomfort due to unpleasant sensations of gas formation and bloating, caused by disruption of the normal functioning of the bile excretion system and fat metabolism.
Decreased appetite
Loss of appetite and unintentional weight loss can be clear signs of progressive liver cirrhosis caused by frequent alcohol consumption.
In my limited experience, I have noticed that people who suffer from alcohol addiction often have problems with being underweight, not overweight. Don’t forget that alcohol has a serious impact on liver function!
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