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17 Foods To Avoid While Breastfeeding

17 Foods To Avoid While Breastfeeding

17 Foods To Avoid While Breastfeeding

A breastfeeding mother, in actual sense, needs to eat a wide range of foods to be well-nourished and maintain a good milk supply.

A mother should generally consider eating healthy and nutritious food during the nursing period and also look out for some foods that can cause probable reactions in a baby.

What a breastfeeding mother ingests is very essential for the baby. This means that proper meals are essential when you are nursing so that the little one gains relevant nutrients and has enough amount of breast milk.

Here are some of the foods to avoid while breastfeeding. Let’s check on these superfoods.

Number 1: Caffeine:

Caffeine can be a great pick-me-up, but if you’re breastfeeding, be mindful of your intake. High levels may cause fussiness or irritability in some infants. Caffeine transfers into breast milk, so your baby might receive some too.

Reactions vary; some babies may experience irritability, sleep issues, or tummy troubles. Excessive caffeine could also impact your baby’s developing nervous system and lead to dehydration for both of you.

However, moderate consumption (2-3 cups of coffee daily or 200-300 mg) is generally considered safe for breastfeeding mothers. Enjoy your coffee!

Number 2: Alcohol:

There are many reasons a breastfeeding mom should avoid any alcoholic drink at all. You can “pump and dump” if you have a special occasion where you will be consuming alcohol, but it’s best to avoid it on a daily or regular basis.

Here are the issues with alcohol.

  • Transfer to breast milk:

    A mother’s blood transfers alcohol into the milk of the breasts. On average, the ethanol concentration in expressed human milk is very close to the concentration in the mother’s blood at the same time. This essentially means that if you drink, your baby will be exposed to it through your milk.

  • Infant development:

    Since the liver of an infant is not mature, it causes its body to metabolize the ethanol way more slowly compared to adults. Hence, alcohol that is present in breast milk may leave its probably negative footprint on the developing brain and central nervous system of the baby, thus resulting in the negative effect on his or her cognitive and motor development.

  • Sleep disruption and irritability:

    Alcohol can affect the baby’s sleep and may result in higher fussiness and irritability. Infants experiencing alcohol in breast milk often fall asleep or stay asleep during their feeding, or frequently wake up during the night.

  • Low milk supply:

    Alcohol inhibits the hormones controlling lactation. Small amounts of alcohol are unlikely to dramatically affect milk supply, but excessive consumption over time may decrease milk supply.

  • Safety concerns:

    The mother’s ability to care for the baby may be impaired by alcohol and can cause problems regarding the safety of the infant. Impaired coordination and judgment make the proper handling of a baby and maintenance of safety very difficult.

  • Legal and cultural considerations:

    Use of a vehicle or any other kind of actions is disallowed in different places while a person is under alcohol influence. Breastfeeding while drinking alcohol might, therefore, imply legal liability in case a mother gets impaired in judgment or actions concerning caring for her baby.

Though an odd drink or wine is considered to be generally safe, provided you have waited till the alcohol has passed from your system before breastfeeding—at least 2-3 hours after a standard drink—it is of concern that one should always keep a check on their intake of alcohol when breastfeeding.

Some moms pump and store breast milk before drinking alcohol and then use that expressed milk to feed their baby during the time that alcohol may be in their system. Others prefer to avoid alcohol for the entire time they are breastfeeding to minimize any risk.

Number 3: High-Mercury Fish:

Salmon is great for getting in those necessary fatty acids, and it actually has less mercury than most fish. Fish that have high levels of mercury usually belong to the larger predatory species that take in higher amounts of mercury through diet over time.

Mercury is a neurotoxic metal that, though hazardous to humans, is particularly so to the developing nervous systems of fetuses and young children.

The Following Fish have the highest levels of mercury: Shark, Swordfish, King mackerel, Tilefish (Gulf of Mexico), Marlin, Orange roughy, Bigeye tuna, Ahi tuna, Bluefin tuna, Gulf tilefish, Spanish mackerel (king mackerel), Wahoo, and Barracuda.

These fish are at the top of the food chain and have higher levels of mercury since they eat the smaller fish, which may also contain mercury.

You can Also watch the Video here for better understanding: DO NOT EAT THESE while Breastfeeding..!! Dangerous for Baby ⚠️

Number 4: Garlic and onions:

Some of these foods sometimes give the breast milk a different taste, and some breastfed babies seem to dislike the taste. Onions sometimes contain compounds that can cause gas and digestive irritation in both mom and baby.

While many mothers will not notice a difference in their babies after eating onions, others may report that their infants seem especially fussy or gassy after they eat onions.

Garlic is also transferred through sweat and the milk of the breastfeeding mother to take on the odour of garlic. This is just a temporary effect and usually isn’t a cause for concern, but it might be very bothersome to some moms.

If your baby is not sensitive to garlic, then it has lots of great health benefits. It contains antimicrobial properties that may help protect both mother and baby from infections.

Number 5: Citrus fruits:

Even though they are very rich in vitamin C, some types of citruses like oranges, lemons, and grapefruits are quite acidic and seem to make some babies irritable or show symptoms of digestive upset.

In some cases, the mother’s intake of citrus fruits might contribute to diaper rash in infants due to her breast milk being too acidic.

This one is very rare, and most babies do fine with citrus fruits, however, if you do notice diaper rash or anything unusual after eating citrus fruits it may be a food to avoid.

Number 6: Peanuts and tree nuts:

When it comes to peanuts and tree nuts, it’s important to be cautious if there’s a family history of nut allergies or if your baby exhibits any allergy symptoms. In such cases, it’s best to steer clear of nuts while breastfeeding.

Nut allergies can be quite concerning for infants, so avoiding them could be a wise choice if there’s any chance of a reaction.

This often leads healthcare providers to advise mothers to monitor their peanut intake during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

If you find yourself in this situation, it’s a good idea to talk to a healthcare provider or allergist about your dietary options.

You can Also watch the Video here for better understanding: DO NOT EAT THESE while Breastfeeding..!! Dangerous for Baby ⚠️

Number 7: Cow’s milk and dairy products:

Your baby could be sensitive to proteins in cow’s milk. If you suspect this, try removing dairy from your diet or talk to a health care professional.

Either babies or adults can have lactose intolerance. If a baby is lactose intolerant and he or she is breastfed, the mother may have to avoid or minimize dairy products in her diet for some time.

However, lactose intolerance is comparatively very rare in infants. Tiny amounts of cow’s milk proteins can be found in breast milk.

In some circumstances, these proteins can inflame the tender digestive system of a baby and may cause fussy behaviour, gas, or digestive discomfort.

Number 8: Wheat:

Some infants may develop an allergy to wheat proteins. If a baby is being breastfed, a healthcare provider might recommend that the mother eliminate wheat from her diet temporarily to see if the baby’s symptoms improve.

Signs of a wheat allergy in infants can include digestive issues, skin irritations, or breathing difficulties.

For breastfeeding mothers with celiac disease, consuming wheat and other gluten-rich grains can trigger an immune response, making it crucial to avoid these foods to prevent negative health impacts.

Therefore, mothers with celiac disease should adhere to a strict gluten-free diet.

Number 9: Soy:

This is because soy products contain compounds similar in structure to estrogen, and some babies may be sensitive to them.

Some babies can be sensitive to soy protein, and then it can cause digestive discomfort or other such adverse reactions.

A mother may decide to eliminate soy from her diet in order to see if that improves her baby’s symptoms. Digestive problems, skin rashes, and respiratory symptoms are typical symptoms of soy allergy in infants.

Number 10: Eggs:

Some babies may be allergic or even sensitive to them.  In the case of suspicion of an allergy to eggs in a breastfed baby, the doctor may recommend excluding eggs for some time from the mother’s diet to notice if there will be any change at all in the baby. The baby with an egg allergy may express this allergy through digestive disorders, skin rashes, or respiratory symptoms.

Number 11: Shellfish:

This indicates that allergies to shellfish can occur both in adults and babies. Families with a history of allergies from shellfish should henceforth be cautious.

In the case of an exclusively breastfed infant, healthcare professionals will often recommend that the mother eliminate shellfish from her diet to monitor if the symptoms will resolve.

Digestive disorders, skin rashes, or breathing difficulty may be the characteristic features of an allergy to shellfish in infants.


Number 12: Gassy vegetables:

Some gassy foods and vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage pass gas on to you and, subsequently, your breast-fed baby, which often causes discomfort.

In some rare instances, babies have even reported exacerbated gassiness or digestive irritation resulting from the consumption of broccoli or other gassy vegetables by the mother.

Broccoli has a very pungent flavor as a vegetable and has a specific odor that might seep through into the flavor of your milk.

Some babies may be fussy about changes in the flavour of breast milk and may not feed well if the mother has recently eaten large amounts of broccoli.

You can Also watch the Video here for better understanding: DO NOT EAT THESE while Breastfeeding..!! Dangerous for Baby ⚠️

Number 13: Too much sugar and processed foods:

It is possible to feel sick due to a diet overloaded with sugar and processed foods, and it may not provide you and your baby with the required nutrition. I always say to new mamas to cut these foods out of their diet completely. A mama needs to fill her body with foods that are truly full of nutrients to feed mama and baby. It’s really important to get in all of the crucial nutrients; it’s really hard to do when you eat a lot of processed foods.

Number 14: Very spicy foods:

These can alter the taste of your breast milk and affect your baby’s interest in the breast milk.

Spicy foods; on very few babies, this includes foods that have hot peppers or other strong spices may sometimes upset their tummy.

Some babies may be more sensitive to the compounds in the food responsible for the spiciness, which results in fussiness or discomfort.

Number 15: Mint:

Some mothers have reported that mint lowers their milk supply, so it is best consumed in moderation.

Some anecdotal reports show that extreme mint consumption may have a slight drying effect on breast milk in very few women.

This effect is mostly very mild and of no concern to most mothers who are breastfeeding.

If you suspect that mint is causing a problem with your milk supply, try cutting back the amount of mint you consume and you may notice a difference in your milk production.

Number 16: Cabbage and sage:

These herbs slightly dry up breast milk production, so their intake should be limited. Cabbage, especially in large amounts, is believed by some to have a slight drying effect on milk production.

Such an impact, however, is typically very mild and does not concern most mothers who are breastfeeding.

If you find, for whatever reason, that cabbage has an impact on milk supply, then you can curtail your intake and see changes in your milk production.

On the other hand Sage has been reportedly consumed by some women to reduce milk supply. Some moms claimed a reduction in milk supply with high consumption of the herb sage in tea or supplement form.

It may be the thujone content in sage that causes this milk supply reduction, as it has been suggested to slightly dry up breast tissue.


Number 17: Sushi

Sushi is safe as long as it does not have high-mercury fish.

It is safe because the listeria bacteria which are present in undercooked foods are not readily transmitted through breast milk.

However, if you are planning to eat sushi with low-mercury fish when you are breastfeeding, keep in mind that you should not take more than three servings a week.

Fish that contain low mercury are salmon, tilapia, flounder, pollock, trout, and catfish.

Thankfully, most of these foods are still safe to eat while breastfeeding if your baby doesn’t have any food allergies.

I actually encourage breastfeeding mamas to eat plenty of eggs, for example, as a great protein source when breastfeeding.

I do recommend avoiding all forms of milk products on my clean eating plans, mostly because dairy can contain a lot of added hormones, and it does spike blood sugar in some people.

It is also high in fat and, therefore, calories—so cutting out cheese alone can really help lower caloric intake. You can replace cheese with foods like nuts for some healthy fats or more plant-based nutrients.

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