Does the liver also like to drink? It depends on what, doctors told what you can drink and eat, and what you can’t, and why
Today we will look at why the liver tends to remain silent when it is ill, and what inexpensive and accessible product medical experts recognize as its reliable ally.
The Cunning Silent One
The liver, or “the insidious silent one,” as doctors call it, is one of the most important organs in the human body. It was not by chance that the great scientist Avicenna noted that “the health of all organs depends on the liver, excessive stress on it can harm the entire body. The liver is the basis of health and well-being of the body.”
And yes, the liver also likes to drink, but, to be honest, it is very selective about drinks, unlike many of us. You will understand what I mean further down in the text.
It is important to note that this article does not provide diagnoses or suggest that a person may have any liver problems.
The article is based on research findings, doctors’ opinions and provides information for informational purposes only!
Any questions related to health and changes to diet should be discussed only with a doctor at a personal appointment!
The liver is a truly mysterious organ. It never complains about its problems, and at the same time modestly keeps silent about its merits.
Just think how many functions it performs – about 500 different ones! And every minute more than 20 million different chemical reactions occur in it.
The liver plays a vital role in protecting the body from the effects of toxins from food and the environment, as well as in purifying the blood. In addition, it is the main reservoir of vitamins and microelements necessary for our body.
The liver is surprisingly devoid of pain receptors, which explains its ability to function without immediate discomfort. However, when problems in the organ become obvious, this most often indicates a critical stage.
It is interesting that our body has the ability to self-restore the liver, which allows us to be relatively calm about its condition. This amazing property of the liver is explained by nature and is one of the manifestations of its fantastic ability to self-restore.
As you know, the legend of Prometheus from ancient Greek mythology tells how every day an eagle pecked at his liver, and by the morning it was restored again.
We are far from this myth, because we abuse food containing excess wasteful fats and chemical additives, and also use many drugs, both when necessary and without it. This greatly limits the unique ability of our liver to self-repair, unlike Prometheus, who did not expose himself to such influences.
Additional sources of information used to write the article will be indicated in the pinned comments/down below. [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]
It turns out that the statistics are alarming: a third of the adult population of the planet faces liver problems. And the saddest thing is that we ourselves are to blame for turning this incredibly important organ into one continuous fatty scar. Thus, we ourselves have to look for ways to save this organ.
Doctors told what you can and cannot drink and eat, and why
Doctors say it’s important to start by overcoming the common stereotype that fatty foods are the liver’s main enemy.
They remind us that a healthy liver is capable of synthesizing certain types of fats on its own, as well as metabolizing them, turning them into a source of energy. However, the real problem for liver health is low levels of choline, which is vitamin B4.
Interesting fact
The liver is capable of synthesizing fats. It performs this function through the process of lipogenesis, in which carbohydrates and other molecules are converted into fatty acids.
This process is necessary to provide the body with fatty acids that can be used as an energy source or to form structural components of cells.
Let’s continue, so doctors explain that vitamin B4 is an integral part of fats and serves as a kind of “grinder” of fats. It is he who participates in the breakdown of fats.
In addition, it functions as a “trolley” on which excess fats and cholesterol are transported from the body. Therefore, doctors say that a lack of vitamin B4 can lead to liver problems.
Foods Where You Can Find Choline
According to doctors, a large number of foods are rich in choline: cabbage, chicken eggs, meat products, legumes and fatty fish. “We eat this every day,” you might object. However, it is far from that simple!
The thing is, vitamin B4 has more important functions. First, it gets into the cells to protect and strengthen them, and then it goes straight to our brain.
It provides a great mood, allows you to concentrate and have a good memory. By the way, it also protects our brain cells from destruction and the development of Alzheimer’s disease.
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In addition, this vitamin plays an important role in the transmission of impulses between neurons, which provides us with the ability to move, talk and think. Because of this fact, the liver receives only a small portion of this valuable substance.
Vitamin deficiency inevitably leads to excess weight gain, the formation of fatty deposits around the liver and high cholesterol levels in the blood.
What to do then?
In this situation, it is recommended to listen to the advice of doctors, who claim that the best solution is to act contrary to expectations: if it is not possible to stimulate the production of vitamin B4, it is necessary to put the “choline cart” in order, that is, to exclude harmful fats from the diet, while maintaining those beneficial for the liver.
To do this, you should exclude fatty, saturated foods from your diet, such as fatty broths, lamb, beef, duck and goose, since their fat breakdown by the liver requires too much time and energy.
Therefore, the expression: “a sip of rich fatty broth for the liver is worth its weight in gold” simply does not work! Here you need to understand, depending on what, or more precisely from what, if from pork or lamb, then at least such a fatty broth raises doubts, but if from chicken, then anything can happen…
Also, nutritionists usually recommend avoiding not only French fries and unhealthy burgers, but also other treats that we love to indulge ourselves with: cookies, bagels, buns, and especially puff pastry products flavored with margarine.
In their opinion, it is also forbidden to eat frozen pizzas, chebureki and other delicacies prepared with industrial fats, mayonnaise and sauces based on it.
In general, it turns out that it is better to forget about margarine, spreads, and even about butter, to which some manufacturers add fat substitutes.
Moreover, experts in the field of healthy nutrition argue that it is necessary to exclude from the diet foods that contribute to the development of chronic inflammation in the body.
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These include sugar and various types of sweeteners, wheat flour containing gluten, various grains, soy, smoked foods, dried meat products and, of course, alcohol.
By giving up fast carbohydrates, which not only quickly turn into fat, but also contribute to increased sensitivity of liver cells to insulin, we are taking the right principled position.
After all, according to doctors, excessive consumption of all of the above is directly related to the risk of developing diabetes.
However, the statement about what to eat now if we have removed everything is wrong. According to nutritionists, we can successfully form a healthy diet without these products. In turn, as a nutritionist, I confirm this point of view.
The following presentation will be devoted to the forgotten ally of our liver – whey. Which, as many nutritionists note, is a protein, low-calorie product with a relatively reasonable price and useful qualities.
Whey is the liquid part of milk that remains after the curd is formed during the production of cheese and curds. It contains proteins, lactose, minerals, vitamins and other nutrients.
The proteins in whey mainly include whey proteins such as β-lactoglobulin, α-lactalbumin and immunoglobulins.
Also, whey, as mentioned above, is a rich source of vitamins such as vitamin E, vitamin C and B vitamins.
A particularly valuable quality of whey is the presence of rare forms of vitamins, such as biotin (vitamin B7, vitamin H, coenzyme R) and choline (vitamin B4), the benefits of which were mentioned earlier in the text.
So, it turns out that, according to doctors, whey helps cleanse the body of toxins, improves the condition of intestinal microflora, reduces gas formation and helps normalize weight.
In addition, whey contains peptides, which are so important for our liver, as they promote faster restoration of the cells of this organ, which has been proven by research.
Yes, usually the body copes with the production of peptides on its own, but with age their production decreases, so it is so important to help it compensate for their deficiency.
So, it turns out that a sip of whey is worth its weight in gold for the liver?
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