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What Every Woman Should Know About Menopause

What Every Woman Should Know About Menopause

What Every Woman Should Know About Menopause

What Every Woman Should Know About Menopause: Doctors Name Its Early Signs and Explain What’s What

At a certain point, women begin to experience changes in their bodies that indicate the onset of a natural physiological process known as menopause.

Many women are afraid of this period, as it is often accompanied by unpleasant symptoms that worsen the quality of their life.

It is important to note that this article does not provide diagnoses or claim that a person may have any health problems.

The article is based on research findings, doctors’ opinions and provides information for informational purposes only!

Any questions related to health and changes in diet should only be discussed with a doctor in person!

According to medical experts, puberty in women occurs approximately between 45 and 60 years of age, which is determined by individual characteristics of the body, living conditions, genetic predisposition and other factors.

At the same time, changes in a woman’s body do not happen suddenly, but take years, from 2 to 10 years. Let’s discuss today how, according to doctors, to recognize the signs of menopause on time and what life hacks they recommend to alleviate them.

Menstrual cycle failure

Doctors say that one of the first signs of approaching menopause is a disruption of the menstrual cycle, accompanied by certain symptoms.

  • A reduction in the length of the cycle to two or three weeks, usually with some spotting.
  • The interval between periods is from 40 to 90 days after a shortened cycle, the discharge during this period becomes very abundant, according to doctors.
  • Sometimes menstruation may suddenly stop or its duration may be significantly reduced.

Doctors emphasize the importance of carefully monitoring the cycle and contacting a gynecologist for any changes, since this may indicate not only the onset of menopause, but also indicate serious problems in the functioning of the reproductive system.


According to statistics, more than 60 percent of women experience maximum discomfort during menopause due to a symptom manifested by an unexpected and causeless appearance of heat, often accompanied by redness of the neck and face, increased heart rate, difficulty breathing and a feeling of lack of air.

Doctors report that if the body temperature maintenance process is disrupted, symptoms such as cold, damp sweat, weakness, dizziness, and chills, especially at night, may occur. These symptoms may appear once or recur over a short period of time.

Problems with blood circulation and blood vessels

Hormonal imbalance negatively affects the functioning of the heart muscle, which causes an increase in blood pressure, which in turn, according to doctors, is often accompanied by dizziness, and sometimes even loss of consciousness.

Doctors also note that in the early stages of menopause, the heart rate may temporarily increase and quickly return to normal for no apparent reason. This symptom is especially pronounced before bedtime, making it difficult to fall asleep.

And poor circulation can lead to discomfort and stabbing pain in the left breast in women, who call the condition “heart pain,” according to doctors.

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Doctors claim that a malfunction of the cardiovascular system leads to insufficient blood flow to areas of the body distant from the heart. Most often, the legs suffer, which swell greatly in the evening or morning.

To eliminate or reduce swelling, doctors usually advise following a few simple rules:

  • reduce salt intake
  • exercise daily, especially if a person rarely goes to the gym or does not exercise at all
  • do not drink large amounts of liquid before bed

However, the best action in this situation is to immediately seek help from a doctor. Only he knows how and what to do in each individual case.

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Joint pain

Lack of estrogen during menopause and poor circulation in the legs contribute to the development of the following set of symptoms, according to doctors.

Limited joint mobility increases after sleep due to swelling of the tissues around the joints, as well as pain in the legs and night cramps, which causes concern among doctors.


High blood pressure and changes in emotional background cause severe headaches in women during menopause.

In most cases, women describe attacks of pulsating, stabbing pain, piercing and dissolving them, which are very difficult to relieve with painkillers.

Doctors say some women experience long-term, aching, pressing pain in the head that can last for days. Overall, the incidence of headaches in women increases by about 75 percent during menopause.


Doctors warn that to successfully eliminate this symptom, it is necessary to fight the cause of its occurrence, instead of taking large doses of painkillers on your own initiative or on the advice of a neighbor.

Sleep disturbance

During hot flashes, women experience periodic changes in body temperature, including hot and cold, snoring, and a decrease in progesterone, the body’s natural sleep aid. Doctors warn that these changes can lead to persistent insomnia.

Doctors also say that reduced production of female hormones can be caused by difficulty falling asleep, which occurs due to increased anxiety and increased heart rate.

Lack of sleep at night leads to the following consequences: feeling sleepy during the day, rapid fatigue and deterioration in performance.

Mood swings

Doctors note that menopause has a negative impact not only on physical health, but also on the mental state of women.

During this period, women experience anxiety, irritability, aggression and depressive mood, which is then replaced by calm, joy and cheerfulness, which are characteristic of women in the period before menopause.

Interesting fact

Doctors also recommend paying attention to your health if you experience signs of inattention, forgetfulness, and decreased productivity.


Weakness, fatigue and insomnia associated with hormonal imbalance can be the cause of depression in women over 45.

Doctors say that if a woman stops enjoying her favorite hobbies and new purchases and begins to feel sad and indifferent, this may be due to the onset of menopause.

Decreased libido

Doctors say that during menopause, women’s sexual desire noticeably decreases, sometimes to the point of complete absence.


Doctors point out that women experience changes in appearance during menopause due to insufficient secretion of hormones by the ovaries.

The skin loses its elasticity and flexibility, acquiring a pale shade. Small wrinkles appear on the face, hair grows more slowly, becoming dry and lifeless.

Nails become brittle and begin to fall out rapidly, and the body shape becomes more angular, changing femininity and grace.

What Doctors Say About Life Hacks to Reduce Menopause

By following a proper diet, maintaining an active lifestyle, getting adequate rest and reducing stress levels, you can reduce the negative effects of menopause.

To reduce hot flashes and mood swings during menopause, it is recommended to avoid alcohol and coffee, and to quit smoking, as this worsens symptoms. Nutritionists also advise eliminating or greatly limiting the consumption of sugar, salt, spices, sweets, fried and smoked foods.

According to doctors, it is important to increase the consumption of seafood, fish, vegetables, fruits and nuts. It is also necessary to remember about physical activity.

And if a person does not have the time or desire to go to the gym or do morning exercises, then you can simply walk more in the fresh air, this will improve your mood and overall health.

Visiting the pool is a great way to reduce the stress on your joints and improve blood circulation, which in turn will help normalize blood pressure, get rid of headaches and improve the quality of sleep.

Doctors also emphasized the importance of following a fluid intake regimen.

And they reminded that although menopause is not considered a disease, it is still recommended not to ignore its symptoms and especially not to try to self-medicate.

After all, only a doctor can competently assess the state of health and take the necessary measures to normalize hormonal levels and maintain a good quality of life.

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Additional sources of information used to write this article: term=Early+symptoms+of+menopause+in+women

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