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Why you should try eating protein before bed

Here are the main reasons why you should try eating protein before bed: I explain how to do it right

Here are the main reasons why you should try eating protein before bed: I explain how to do it right

Here are the main reasons why you should try eating protein before bed: I explain how to do it right. You’ve probably heard that eating before bed is bad for you. However, recent research suggests that eating protein before bed may actually benefit your body.

In this article, I’ll tell you the main reasons why you should try eating protein before bed, and I’ll explain how to do it right.

Scientists have concluded that it is recommended to consume a source of protein before going to bed. One of the main reasons for this is that protein can increase muscle protein synthesis, promoting muscle growth.

Muscle protein synthesis

While you sleep, your body goes into starvation mode, and without sufficient nutrients, the rate at which muscle protein is broken down can exceed the rate at which it is synthesized. As a result, you can end up in a state of muscle breakdown rather than muscle repair and growth.

Eating protein before bed can help combat this problem. It is important to ensure a constant supply of amino acids, which are the building blocks of muscle tissue.

There have been several studies to back this up. For example, a study published in 2012 found that participants who consumed 40 grams of casein protein before bed experienced a significant increase in muscle protein synthesis compared to those who did not consume protein.

This study showed that a slow-digesting protein source such as casein can effectively stimulate muscle growth during the overnight recovery period.


The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only, before starting any training, consult your doctor.

Many people believe that the slow digestion of casein protein has its advantages over other types of protein. Casein gradually releases amino acids over several hours, helping to maintain a positive protein balance in the body throughout the night. However, a recent study has refuted this view.

Interesting fact:

The study divided the men into three groups. All participants drank a shake before going to bed. One group consumed a whey protein shake, another a casein shake, and the third group received a placebo. This allowed the scientists to compare the effects of these two types of protein on the body’s amino acid levels throughout the night.

The results of the study showed that the whey group had the highest amino acid levels overnight, while the casein group had significantly lower levels. This suggests that whey may be more effective than casein in maintaining protein balance during sleep.

Of the three groups, one consumed 45 grams of whey protein, one consumed 45 grams of casein protein, and the third group received a zero-calorie placebo shake. As expected, leucine levels in the casein group remained moderately elevated overnight. Leucine is one of the most important amino acids for stimulating muscle growth.

Because whey protein is digested much faster than casein, the whey group experienced a sharp spike in leucine levels within the first 90 minutes of ingestion. However, whey protein somehow maintained higher amino acid levels for most of the night compared to casein.

While casein resulted in an 18% increase in muscle protein synthesis compared to placebo, whey protein demonstrated a whopping 35% increase in muscle protein synthesis.

So this study shows that consuming any protein source before bed is better than not consuming any protein. Previous studies may have been flawed when it came to slow-digesting protein sources before bed, such as casein (protein), cottage cheese, and yogurt. In this study, whey actually performed better.

So just make sure you have a good source of protein before bed. This could be a whey shake, chicken eggs or cottage cheese.

Eating protein before bed not only helps increase muscle mass, it also improves muscular endurance. Researchers found that taking protein before bed increased muscle protein synthesis by 23% in the casein group and 37% in the whey group.

Increased mitochondrial protein synthesis

Increasing mitochondrial protein synthesis may be especially beneficial for endurance athletes and anyone looking to improve their resistance to fatigue. Mitochondria are the energy center of cells and are responsible for energy production.

Endurance activities such as long-distance running, cycling, and swimming rely on aerobic metabolism, which occurs in the mitochondria. Increasing the amount of mitochondrial protein can improve endurance and resistance to fatigue during exercise.

In addition, mitochondrial protein synthesis can increase the number and function of mitochondria in muscle cells. This results in an increase in the oxidative capacity of muscles, which is their ability to use oxygen to produce energy. As a result, muscles become more efficient at using oxygen and nutrients to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the main source of energy in cells.

This process helps reduce the production of lactic acid and other metabolites that can cause muscle fatigue. All of these benefits result in increased endurance, as muscles can sustain activity for longer periods of time without tiring.

Additional sources of information used to write the article will be indicated in the pinned comment. [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]

You won’t gain extra weight

Another benefit of consuming protein before bed is that the calories from it will not cause weight gain. In fact, it can speed up your metabolism.

There is a belief that eating before bed leads to weight gain. However, eating protein before bed can have a positive effect on your metabolism. Protein has a higher thermic effect than fats and carbohydrates. This means that your body will burn more calories when digesting it.

A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition found that those who consumed protein before bed had higher resting metabolic rates throughout the morning compared to those who did not.

Additionally, protein can help reduce appetite. It increases the production of satiety-signaling hormones like leptin and PYY, while simultaneously decreasing levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin. This helps you feel fuller longer and prevents overeating.

So, eating protein before bed is not only beneficial for building muscle when you’re trying to gain weight, but also for maintaining muscle mass when you’re losing weight

Quality of sleep

Another important reason to include protein in your dinner is its ability to improve the quality of sleep. This is because some amino acids found in protein, such as tryptophan, play a key role in the production of neurotransmitters that regulate sleep, such as serotonin and melatonin.

Sleep is crucial for weight loss. It helps maintain hormonal balance in the body. When you don’t get enough sleep, your body starts producing more cortisol, the stress hormone, and you become less sensitive to insulin. This makes you feel hungrier and more likely to store fat.

During sleep, your body repairs and builds muscle tissue. It also produces growth hormones during this time, and this is when protein synthesis works most effectively. So including protein in your dinner can help both sleep and muscle growth.

Tryptophan is an amino acid that serves as a precursor to serotonin. Serotonin, in turn, is converted into melatonin, a hormone that regulates your sleep-wake cycle. By providing your body with enough tryptophan before bed, you can increase the production of substances that promote sleep, leading to better sleep quality.

Research backs this up. Participants who consumed more protein, including before bed, reported improved sleep quality and fewer nighttime awakenings.

Maintaining muscle mass

As we age, we begin to lose muscle mass. After age 30, we lose 3 to 5% of our muscle mass every 10 years. Maintaining muscle mass becomes increasingly important for our health and daily life.

Age-related loss of muscle mass and strength is called sarcopenia. It is a serious problem for older people. They often develop anabolic resistance — a decreased response to protein — which makes it difficult for muscles to grow.

However, there is a way to overcome this resistance: consuming protein before bed. This provides a constant supply of amino acids that enhance muscle protein synthesis while you sleep.

A study of older participants who consumed protein before bed found that they retained more muscle mass and strength compared to those who did not.

Helps restore strength and reduce muscle pain

Another reason to consume protein before bed is to aid in recovery and reduce muscle soreness. I decided to save this point for last because the research on this topic has been mixed.

Some previous studies have shown that people who consumed protein before bed reported less muscle soreness and faster recovery than those who did not. However, more recent studies have found no significant difference in performance levels or biomarkers of muscle damage after consuming protein before bed.

Therefore, not everyone benefits from consuming protein right before bed, and soreness or recovery speed may depend on how much protein you consume daily.

So, let me summarize and give you some tips if you want to try adding protein before bed:

  1. Recent research shows that protein does not necessarily have to be digested slowly, as many previously thought.
  2. Whey protein shakes may be even healthier than casein.
  3. Whole foods like Greek yogurt, salmon, or chicken can be just as effective.
  4. Most studies had participants consume between 30 and 45 grams of protein before bed. Therefore, it is recommended to aim for at least 35 grams of protein.
  5. Also, in most studies, participants consumed protein 30–40 minutes to an hour before bed.

With all that said, the truth is that having a protein shake before bed is less important than consuming enough protein throughout the day.

The amount of protein you should consume per kg of body weight per day is critical to your health and fitness. If you don’t reach this target, you could be at a disadvantage compared to those who do.

Make sure you always pay attention to meeting your minimum daily protein requirement. Your protein shake or pre-bed meal should be a welcome addition to your diet in terms of results

Let’s summarize what has been written

To summarize our discussion of the importance of protein before bed, there are a few key points to highlight.

First, research clearly shows that adequate protein intake in the evening can provide significant health and fitness benefits.

This is especially true for those looking to increase or maintain muscle mass as they age. Eating protein can help reduce the risk of sarcopenia (loss of muscle mass) and maintain muscle strength, which is especially important for older adults.

Secondly, protein plays an important role in improving the quality of sleep. Certain amino acids, such as tryptophan, promote the production of hormones necessary for normalizing the sleep cycle – serotonin and melatonin.

People who include protein foods in their evening diet notice not only an easier time falling asleep, but also a reduction in the number of night awakenings.

In addition, protein has an effect on metabolism. Eating protein activates thermogenesis (the process of heat production in the body) and helps control appetite by increasing the level of satiety hormones. This helps maintain a healthy body and control weight.

Based on this data, it is recommended to consume 30-45 grams of protein 30-40 minutes before bed. This can be in the form of a protein shake, Greek yogurt, or other protein sources. However, it is important to remember that the best results are achieved by regularly consuming the daily protein requirement throughout the day.

Thus, given all the benefits of protein, especially before bed, it is worth reviewing your evening habits and including protein products in your diet. This will not only improve your results in sports, but also contribute to overall health, normalization of metabolism and improvement of quality of life.

The article is based on research findings, doctors’ opinions and provides information for informational purposes only!

Any questions regarding health and dietary changes should only be discussed with your doctor in person.

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