Health & Lime

Health and Wellness

Benefits of Drinking Olive Oil on an Empty Stomach

Drink Olive Oil on an Empty Stomach and After Days These 11 Incredible Benefits will Happen to Your Body

Drink Olive Oil on an Empty Stomach and After Days These 11 Incredible Benefits will Happen to Your Body

Drink Olive Oil on an Empty Stomach and After Days These 11 Incredible Benefits will Happen to Your Body

Is a Shot of Olive Oil on Empty Stomach Every Day Good For You?

The short answer is: yes!

The Only condition is you must make sure to drink this in the right amount and of the Right Quality. Which we will discuss in the later part of this Video.

But keep in mind that The best time to take your olive oil shot is in the morning on an empty stomach, before eating breakfast or drinking anything else. Because of its host of benefits, it’s a great way to start your day.

So what are we waiting for, Let get to know what are the 11 Incredible Benefits Will Happen to Your Body!

Number 1 Aids in Digestion, Constipation, and Gut Health

Olive oil is great at aiding digestion and relieving constipation.

This is because it contains healthy fats and monounsaturated oils that help speed up bowel movements. The oil also helps to lubricate your digestive system and help movement through the colon. Not only that but it also stimulates the gallbladder, which aids in digesting the fats in your digestive tract.

[You can also watch this Video to understand how everything will work out 👉]

According to studies by both the National Library of Medicine and the Journal of Renal Nutrition, the daily use of olive oil was effective in the treatment of constipation.

Number 2 Boosts Your Immune System

According to the National Olive Council, studies have shown that the fatty acids in Olive Oil are the primary reason it’s so good for your immune system. These fatty acids have been proven to aid in the regulation of the immune system, and even help treat some autoimmune diseases.

Hence when you drink Olive oil in the morning it is a great boost to your immune system and gets those necessary fatty acids to keep you feeling good and healthy.

Number 3: It can reduce inflammation

The antioxidants in olive oil have anti-inflammatory effects and the antioxidant called oleocanthal has a similar effect as the over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medicine ibuprofen.

Some scientists estimate that 3-4 tablespoons (50 ml) of extra virgin olive oil have a similar effect as 10% of the adult dosage of ibuprofen.

[You can also watch this Video to understand how everything will work out 👉]

Number 4: Improves brain function

Our brain needs fatty acids, in fact, it is made of more than 50 percent of fat itself. Essential fatty acids our body cannot synthesize fatty acids so we need to get them from food, and extra virgin olive oil, not only tastes nice but it also provides us with some of these long-chain fatty acids.

Not only that but also Studies show that the polyphenols, which are antioxidants found in olive oil, help improve brain function such as memory which can further Can reduce the chance of Alzheimer’s disease.

Number 5: It reduces cardiovascular problems

Good fats prevent arteries from clogging. So extra virgin olive oil has antioxidant quality, is abundant in polyphenols, and can increase good cholesterol, which is especially useful for those prone to accidents or heart problems. Therefore, you will be taking care of your health in the short and long term.

Number 6: It facilitates weight loss

Now If you are wondering that by drinking certified olive oil on an empty stomach, you will no longer have to exercise to lose weight? Well, that would be ideal, but in reality, olive oil will help you have better results based on your effort. It works by activating a substance called oleoyl ethanolamine, derived from oleic acid, which Favors having a satiating effect when eating.

Hence it will help you help your effort but if you think of No exercise but only Olive oil.. well then Maybe you should get yourself a Brain checkup first.

[You can also watch this Video to understand how everything will work out 👉]

Number 7: Promote the absorption of nutrients.

Its intake has also proved to partially inhibit gastric motility. So, on the one hand, it regulates the transit of food between the stomach and the intestine, slowing down the process. On the other, it contributes to the proper functioning of the intestinal microbiota, avoiding the transmission of harmful pathogens and thus favouring digestion and absorption of nutrients.

Number 8: Reduce gastric acidity.

Extra virgin olive oil has a series of components that can neutralize the damaging effect of gastric acids that cause heartburn and reflux, acting as a protective film on the stomach walls. Hence, many people who suffer from these problems can benefit from its consumption on an empty stomach.

Number 9: Reduces infections.

Just like Ibuprofen, olive oil reduces infections in the body. Research on this subject shows that 3-4 spoons of olive oil is a natural way that is as effective as 10% of an Ibuprofen dose. This is a win-win situation because using too much medication is harmful to our health. The more we use natural products and stay away from drugs, the better we do for ourselves.

[You can also watch this Video to understand how everything will work out 👉]

Number 10: Better skin, hair, nails and bones.

Olive oil is also an extremely beneficial food for your skin, nails, and hair. Olive oil soothes, repairs, nourishes hair and nails and helps them grow faster. This situation pleases both men and women. Although it is more effective when consumed, you can also use olive oil as a hair or skin mask.

Number 11: Cleanses the liver.

The liver plays an extremely important role in our body: it cleanses all of our internal systems. Sometimes we also need to cleanse the liver itself, which can best and safely be done with olive oil!

Now here is the Bonus Part for Women:

If you want to enlarge and strengthen your breasts naturally, olive oil can help you with this. However, this procedure must be done correctly: massage your breasts with circular movements, starting from the outside and moving inward, for 10-15 minutes. Blood flow will accelerate and as a result, your breasts will become larger and more elastic in just 30 days! You will really enjoy having larger and fuller breasts. Moreover, you do not have to undergo expensive surgeries.

Now what is the right amount to consume it?

The amount of first cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil you consume is completely based on you.

We recommend starting with a teaspoon and going up from there. Some people have more sensitive digestive systems than others, so increasing in small increments will help find the amount that works with your body.

1-2 tablespoons are the ideal amount to consume in the morning, as they’re the perfect amount to get the benefits without overdoing it. Again, don’t go straight to 2 tablespoons, work your way up!

Also, based on how your stomach feels drinking decide if you want to do this every morning, or every other morning. You can still reap the benefits of olive oil, even if you do not drink it every single day.

Now you might be wondering Which Olive Oil is Best.

For your daily shot of olive oil, you have to buy Extra Virgin. Extra Virgin (EVOO), is a first-cold pressed oil, which is the way the oil is extracted from the fruit.

The method involves crushing the entire olive fruit at the same time, while the processing temperature is kept at no more than 80.6 degrees Fahrenheit. This controlled temperature ensures that the EVOO retains its quality and flavor.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil is the best of the best oil, and because of its pureness, and the extraction process, it guarantees you are getting the most nutrients and benefits you could possibly get from the fruit.

Now, for your EVOO, we highly suggest going with a more delicate option if you are new to drinking olive oil. They will be more mild, which is key when starting off your day. But which to choose? It depends on what flavor profile you’re looking for first thing in the morning.

Last but not the least if you are wondering if there Are any Possible Negative Side Effects?

Firstly, before you start taking a shot of olive oil every morning, you must consider if it’s right for you. Olive oil is very high in (healthy) fat and has a high caloric density. There are around 40 calories in one teaspoon of EVOO.

Besides concerns with calorie count, this can also present a problem if you’re taking certain medications that can affect your absorption of fats, it’s important to talk to your doctor before introducing a high amount of olive oil into your diet.

Also, if you have a sensitive stomach, taking shots of EVOO might not be the best idea. Start with a smaller amount, and work your way up if you are not seeing any negative side effects.

I hope you have enjoyed this Detailed Video and are considering adding this Oil to your Diet if not already.

Let us know if you have any experience with this Oil in the comment section which might be helpful to someone.

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