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Health and Wellness

Foods Best for Bone Health

They say that without these products our bones will turn into "dust": doctors named them and explained why they are so popular

They say that without these products our bones will turn into "dust": doctors named them and explained why they are so popular

They say that without these products our bones will turn into “dust”: Foods Best for Bone Health, Doctors named them and explained why they are so popular

Hello, dear readers! Today I want to share with you information on how to maintain healthy bones and joints. You will learn which products are considered useful for strengthening bones and preventing fractures, and what recommendations doctors give on this matter.

It is important to note that this article does not provide diagnoses or claim that a person may have any health problems.

The article is based on research findings, doctors’ opinions and provides information for informational purposes only!

Any questions related to health and changes to diet should be discussed only with a doctor at a personal appointment!

Bones after 25 years of service

Research shows that from the age of 25, a person’s bones become thinner every day, and during this period they need a more extensive complex of vitamins and minerals, such as calcium, vitamin D, manganese, magnesium, zinc and others.

Doctors remind that if a deficiency of any of these elements is detected in the body, it negatively affects the condition of the bones, increasing the risk of injury even with successful falls.

During the winter period, the problem of safety on slippery roads is especially acute. It is at this time that avoiding an accident becomes a truly difficult task.

To prevent possible injuries, experts strongly recommend including foods that promote healthy bones and joints in your diet long before the onset of frost.

Why is calcium so important?

As you may already know, calcium plays an important role in maintaining healthy bones, improving their stability. In addition, this element helps strengthen joints, nails, and teeth.

Calcium deficiency increases the likelihood of developing coronary heart disease, and also leads to rapid fatigue, irritability and painful sensations in the bone area.

Calcium is an essential micronutrient responsible for many processes in the body. Its influence begins with the formation of bone and cartilage tissue, but is not limited to this: calcium also plays a key role in blocking the absorption of saturated fats, which can turn into harmful cholesterol in the body.

Moreover, doctors remind that calcium supports the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, ensures the activity of the adrenal glands and sex glands.

Calcium deficiency

Long-term deficiency of calcium and other important elements in the body can lead to osteoporosis, a dangerous disease in which bones become brittle due to the leaching of calcium from their structure.

As a result, a person may experience constant pain in the back, lose the ability to actively move, begin to gradually lose weight and face the risk of fractures after minor injuries.

With a significant calcium deficiency, the body can face serious problems. Rickets, curvature of the spine, the formation of kidney stones – all this is associated with a lack of calcium, doctors say.

In addition, low calcium levels can disrupt blood clotting, which increases the risk of bleeding. It is also worth remembering that calcium deficiency affects the condition of nails, making them brittle and weak, and also gives hair a dull and lifeless appearance.

Calcium standards according to WHO

The health of bones and joints in adults requires constant attention, and one of the key points here is getting enough calcium.

According to information provided by the World Health Organization (WHO), the daily calcium intake for an adult is at least 1000 milligrams.

However, after reaching the age of 50, this figure should be increased to 1200 milligrams, as indicated by medical experts.

Despite the fact that doctors remind about the increased need for calcium after 50 years, experts say that it is not necessary to turn to pharmaceutical drugs to maintain optimal levels of this microelement in the body.

A balanced calcium intake can be achieved by eating common foods from the list available in everyday life.

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Doctors have named foods rich in calcium:

1.Milk and dairy products

To make up for the deficiency of this important micronutrient, it is important to include a variety of calcium sources in your diet, such as milk and dairy products.

Since childhood, we have always been told that milk is necessary for strong and healthy bones, and this is true: milk is an excellent source of calcium.

However, meeting the daily requirement of this micronutrient by drinking milk alone can be quite a challenge, requiring drinking significant amounts of it.

Therefore, experts recommend including various dairy products in your diet to ensure you get enough calcium without consuming too much milk.

2.Hard cheese

Just 100 grams of hard cheese contains as much as 720 milligrams of calcium. Imagine that even just 150 grams of this wonderful product per day will provide our body with the necessary amount of microelement.

Nutritionists convince us that this portion will be quite sufficient, since calcium is poorly absorbed by the body in large quantities.

So let’s enjoy the aroma and taste of hard cheese in moderate quantities to maintain the health of our skeleton and teeth!


Nutritionists insist on including yogurt in the diet as a natural product without dyes and sugar, which has a beneficial effect on bone health, providing an optimal balance of calcium and vitamin D, which helps restore and strengthen them.

In addition, eating yogurt helps normalize digestion due to its high protein content.


Almonds, as nutritionists report, have an amazing ability to saturate the body with calcium, which makes them not only a delicious treat but also an important component for maintaining health.

In addition, almonds contain protein, which plays a key role in maintaining our body in a healthy state.

6.Cabbage, greens, vegetables

Experts have found that leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, lettuce and arugula contain about a quarter of the daily value for calcium.

For example, just 100 grams of steamed kale or one cup of spinach will get you close to your daily calcium requirement. However, it’s worth noting that spinach contains oxalic acid, which can interfere with the body’s absorption of calcium.

Therefore, experts recommend eating spinach together with other calcium-rich foods to get the maximum benefit from this product.

Dark green vegetables, also rich in vitamin A, iron and dietary fiber, which are essential for improving digestion, can be eaten both raw and cooked.

In addition, root vegetables such as radishes, radishes, turnips and beets are also a significant source of calcium. For better absorption of this microelement by the body, it is recommended to eat these vegetables with vegetable oil, nutritionists remind.


All legumes contain calcium, but soy is especially rich in it. Nutritionists say that including soy in the diet should be recommended to all women who have reached middle age, since it contains fibers similar in structure to female hormones – estrogens.

The lack of the latter often leads to the development of osteoporosis in women. In addition, it should be noted that if a person prefers such products, then it is worth increasing the frequency of consumption of soybean curd.

According to nutritionists, half a cup of soybean curd will replenish the body with 800 milligrams of calcium.

Interesting fact

By the way, it would not be superfluous to remind about the important aspect of calcium absorption. This is necessary so that the body can absorb this microelement as much as possible. To achieve this goal, it is important to consume foods rich in vitamin D, phosphorus and magnesium, since these substances contribute to the process of calcium absorption.

It should be remembered that only in combination with other elements can calcium fully perform its functions.

Where to find vitamin D


According to nutritionists, regular consumption of sardines can help enrich the human body not only with calcium, but also with vitamin D.

For example, 90 grams of sardines contain as much calcium as a glass of milk. Vitamin D is also present not only in sardines, but also in other fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, etc.

These types of fish are also good for heart health due to their high content of unsaturated fatty acids. Also worth mentioning is catfish, a fish that is readily available and also rich in vitamin D.

It turns out that to meet the daily requirement for vitamin D, a person only needs to consume 200 grams of red fish.

Beef liver

Beef liver is one of the main sources of vitamin D, and also has a high content of copper and vitamin A. In addition, it should be noted that the beneficial components necessary for the proper absorption of calcium are present in the liver of fish and birds (chicken, turkey).


Regular consumption of eggs helps enrich the human body with vitamin D by 6% of the daily requirement. In addition, eggs are a rich source of phosphorus, calcium, sodium, magnesium and potassium. To further enrich the diet, nutritionists recommend including sunflower seeds, fish eggs and mushrooms, as these products also contain elements important for the body.

Where to find phosphorus

Many people, I think, have heard that phosphorus comes from fish and seafood, but few know that a large amount of this important element is concentrated in veal, especially in the neck.

In addition, phosphorus is present in egg yolks, pumpkin seeds, nuts, oatmeal, cottage cheese and cheese. If you include these products in your diet, you can help your body better absorb calcium, nutritionists remind.

Phosphorus norm according to WHO

According to information provided by the World Health Organization, the optimal daily intake of phosphorus for an adult should be at least 1,500 milligrams.

A deficiency of this important element can lead to a variety of negative effects, including weakness, headaches, drowsiness, and decreased mental activity.

Where to find zinc

According to doctors, zinc plays a significant role in maintaining bone health, and its deficiency in the human body can contribute to the development of osteoporosis.

To compensate for zinc deficiency, you should include foods rich in this important element in your diet: beef or pork liver, lamb chops, and poultry. In addition, zinc can be obtained from foods such as peanuts and pine nuts in sufficient quantities.

Where to find magnesium

All people, without exception, need magnesium, since it is this element that is able to convert phosphorus and potassium into substances that our body can absorb.

Doctors also say that getting your daily magnesium intake is especially important for pregnant women, children, and those on a low-calorie diet. So be sure to include legumes, nuts, soy, prunes, cereals, seeds, and seaweed in your diet.

Where to find manganese

Manganese plays an important role in bone formation because it helps stimulate the growth of cartilage and bones. To maintain proper manganese levels, you need to eat certain foods, such as beets, spinach, garlic, and beef liver. According to nutritionists, these foods are a reliable source of manganese.

Dried apricots and orange juice

Nutritionists insist that dried apricots should be included in the diet, since this healthy product contains almost all the necessary elements for the health of our bones: calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and manganese.

It is worth noting that these same elements are found in apricots, but experts attach greater value to dried apricots.

In addition, experts recommend including freshly squeezed orange juice in your diet, as it helps strengthen and tone the body, and also promotes faster and better absorption of calcium.


Nutritionists insist on the need to regularly consume cereals, as they enrich the body with B vitamins, which play an important role in its health and proper functioning. For example, brown rice is a source of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, which are necessary for strengthening our bones.

Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds, despite not being leaders in calcium content, nevertheless provide important support for bone health. Doctors emphasize that, for example, walnuts and flax seeds saturate the body with a sufficient amount of calcium, which prevents its loss through urine.

What doctors remind us about

Doctors urge us to recognize the importance of maintaining healthy and strong bones and joints throughout life. They note that it is necessary not only to care for them, but also to prevent possible destruction.

And for this, it is very important to avoid foods that negatively affect the condition of our bones, such as alcohol, caffeine, sweets, sour foods, juices, smoked foods and other unhealthy snacks.

In addition, it should be remembered that smoking also has a very negative impact on the condition of the bones.

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